
Corporate Giving

Greater Focus, Greater Impact

When businesses evaluate their success, it’s often in terms of profit and customer satisfaction. At Greater Tacoma Community Foundation, our measurement of success is community impact. 

We can help transform your corporate giving efforts from appeal-driven check writing to meaningful community connections that build your brand, engage employees and delight customers. Exploring when, where, how and why you make investments in your community not only strengthens your company’s culture, it is a powerful reminder of why your business was created in the first place.

By partnering with GTCF, you can be more intentional with your giving efforts and you are reassured that every dollar reaches its charitable potential. Furthermore, our deep knowledge of community issues and effective local nonprofits helps companies align their philanthropic programs with their overall mission and strategy.

Studies prove that a company’s ties to a community cause yield benefits not only to the communities where customers and employees live and work but also to the company itself. Here are the facts:

  • 93% of Americans say that they have a more positive image of a product or company when it supports a cause they care about.
  • 89% of Americans said they would switch brands or retailers based on associations with a good cause, when price and quality are equal.
  • 82% of Americans consider a company’s social and environmental commitment before deciding where to shop or what to buy.

By working with GTCF, your corporate giving will be easier for you and make a great impact in the community. Contact Robin Callahan at 253.345.4186 or by email at to set up a meeting.