
Your charitable giving can do exponentially more.

You’re not alone when it comes to caring for your community. GTCF’s Philanthropic Advisors can help you connect your intention with action.   

Our greatest assets are long-term, trusted relationships with people and organizations across Pierce County. Combined with our philanthropic tools, we help you build pathways for charitable giving that can make a difference now, and for generations to come.  

Contact GTCF’s Philanthropy Team to learn more about strategies and opportunities to build a thriving community.  


Individuals & Families

“I think we saw as a family it is time to grow into something larger that will go on for many generations.”

-Mike Nist, Seattle-Tacoma Box Company, Nist Family Fund

Nonprofits & Agencies

“Rather than going through a bank, we felt Greater Tacoma Community Foundation was the solid community partner we needed. Their partnership extends throughout Pierce County, like ours does.

-Dean Carrell, Foundation Director, Pierce County Library

Philanthropic Tools

“To make a meaningful difference in the issues and communities that matter most to you, have a plan.” 

-Stacey Guadnola, CAP® GTCF Chief Philanthropy Officer

Donate To A Fund

Start your giving right away by searching for funds by title, topic, or browse funds to find one that meets your vision.