
Community Stories


7 Big Ideas From Next Gen Philanthropists

Filed Under: Philanthropy - Posted @ 5:05pm

Kristen Corning Bedford compares the evolution of philanthropy to a bee hive, “The old model was to woo the queen bee … the future is wooing the hive.” Her metaphor > Continue Reading


Working Together, Tacoma Organizations Remove Barriers to Expanded Learning Opportunities

Filed Under: Expanded Learning - Posted @ 12:46pm

When the bell rings at the end of the day at Tacoma Public School’s DeLong Elementary, some students head home with their parents, some get on the bus, and some > Continue Reading


Partnering for Census 2020: Dr. Ali Modarres, Director of Urban Studies – University of Washington Tacoma

Filed Under: Census 2020,Strengthening Pierce County - Posted @ 9:13am

Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving > Continue Reading


Community Partnerships Expand Expanded Learning Opportunties for Tacoma Students

Filed Under: Expanded Learning - Posted @ 4:13pm

This Fall, elementary students at 22 Tacoma Public Schools will have on-site access to Expanded Learning Opportunities with the support of wide-reaching community partnerships and funding from national and local > Continue Reading


2019-2020 Youth Philanthropy Board Offers Youth Voice and Youth Choice

Filed Under: Youth Philanthropy Board - Posted @ 1:45pm

GTCF is now accepting applications for the 2019-20 Youth Philanthropy Board cohort. Greater Tacoma Community Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Board (YPB) connects a diverse cohort of young people, ages 15-24, with > Continue Reading


GTCF’s Socially Responsible Investment Fund Hits Market Sweet Spot

Filed Under: Philanthropy - Posted @ 11:02am

Scrabble tiles spell out "Socially Responsible Investing"

  Over the last three years, GTCF’s Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Fund has outperformed its endowment fund by 1%. GTCF CFO, Mo Mousa, pleased with the SRI fund’s performance since > Continue Reading


“Fill Out the D@?? Form”, and Other Ways Pierce County Groups are Raising Awareness of the 2020 Census

Filed Under: Census 2020 - Posted @ 10:19am

A hand drawn black and white bus with 2020 census written on the side

The Tacoma Urban League website offers T-shirts and sweatshirts with the phrase “Fill Out the D@?? Form” emblazoned on the front. It’s one of the many ways the Black Caucus > Continue Reading


Laughter and Food Build Community at Kain Tayo! Filipino Fiesta

Filed Under: Spark Grants - Posted @ 1:50pm

 Tacoma-based arts organizer Clarissa Grace Gines and local chef Jan Parker struggled to find events in Pierce County that celebrated their Filipino heritage. After years of driving to Seattle > Continue Reading


Local Organizations Go Beyond the Gala for Deeper Donor Engagement

Filed Under: Philanthropy - Posted @ 1:49pm

When she arrived at her post as president and CEO of Goodwill of the Olympics and Rainier Region in 2017, Lori Forte Harnick wanted to engage donors more deeply in > Continue Reading


Expanded Learning Opportunites Lead to Growth for Students and the Adults Who Work With Them

Filed Under: Expanded Learning - Posted @ 11:01am

Students and parents from 12 Elementary Schools in Tacoma celebrated a school year worth of Expanded Learning Opportunities with an event at Edison Elementary on May 30.  The students showcases > Continue Reading