Tag: Black leaders
Freedom Summer Symposium
The Symposium is a social justice “call to action,” targeting the 18-35 demographic, social justice activists, and aspiring leaders. The IBJ partners with an institution of higher education to expose > Continue Reading
Freedom Summer Symposium
The Symposium is a social justice “call to action,” targeting the 18-35 demographic, social justice activists, and aspiring leaders. The IBJ partners with an institution of higher education to expose > Continue Reading
Black Voices from Tacoma’s Musical Past
In this presentation, Tacoma music historian Kim Davenport will share stories of black musicians from Tacoma’s past who left an important legacy in our city. Some made Tacoma home while > Continue Reading
Understanding Your Community Helps Charitable Giving Support Racial Equity
Since COVID-19 shut down schools, the Hilltop Artists’ glass hot shop furnaces at Jason Lee Middle School have been idle. But, Hilltop Artists’ support for youth continues. On a > Continue Reading