Tag: Birney Elementary School


20 Minutes Can Make All The Difference For Students In Expanded Learning

Filed Under: Expanded Learning - Posted @ 2:18pm

When school lets out at Tacoma’s Birney Elementary, Sergio Beltran can be found outside the cafeteria greeting students as they head into Expanded Learning at the All-Star Center. On a recent Thursday, Sergio noticed one student looked a little down as he entered the space. Sergio took a few minutes right away to talk one-on-one > Continue Reading


Local Boys Help Each Other Grow in “The Gent Way” Through Tacoma Gents

Filed Under: Expanded Learning - Posted @ 4:06pm

With a stack of pepperoni pizzas sitting on the cafeteria table in front of them, a group of boys from Tacoma’s Birney Elementary School waited patiently while two other boys meticulously counted out the number of pieces available. Then, the young men of the Tacoma Gents after school program worked together to evenly distribute the slices > Continue Reading