People & Partners
When did you start working with Greater Tacoma Community Foundation (GTCF)?
January 2025
Briefly describe what you do in your role with GTCF
Board of Directors
What is the most exciting part of your role with GTCF?
Opportunity to support greater Tacoma community
What other jobs or positions have you held?
Tacoma Executive Council, member AAA Washington Board of Directors Board, Foundation for Tacoma Students Board member, Seattle Branch of San Francisco Federal Reserve Board
Outside of GTCF, what enjoyable activity do you engage in? What brings you joy?
Gardening, travel to places that are warm with beaches, and spending time with friends and family
What activity, place, or event do you recommend other people check out in Pierce County?
Walking along the waterfront
What is the most inspiring book that you have read and why?
Oh the Places You Will Go by Dr Seuss. It inspired me to think beyond my limited reality as a child