

Farmers Markets Build Food Equity

Filed Under: Vibrant Community - Posted @ 10:56am

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It’s that time of year when Pierce County Farmers Markets connect residents to local farmers, small businesses, live entertainment, and a chance to meet neighbors. Farmers Markets also bring fresh produce to areas that have been referred to as “food deserts”, urban areas where grocery options are limited. To provide greater access to healthy nutrition, Tacoma Farmers Markets, Puyallup Farmers’ Market, and Proctor Farmers’ Market provide the following resources:


Individuals can use their benefits to buy a variety of produce, meats, breads, and seeds or plants that produce food.  EBT/SNAP shoppers can swipe their card at the info booth and receive tokens to use for their purchases at the market

Fresh Bucks

The Fresh Bucks program allows EBT/SNAP shoppers to double their buying power by offering a 1:1 match up to $10 per market, per week. EBT/SNAP shoppers can swipe $10 at the info booth and get an extra $10 to use on fresh fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and plant starts.


Children ages 3-16 years old can receive a $1 market token to buy a fruit or vegetable of their choice.  This program is funded through a partnership with TAPCO Credit Union.

WIC & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program checks allow seniors to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets. Signs will be posted to indicate which vendors accept these checks.  You can use the following links to check your eligibility for WIC, or check your eligibility for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program.

Senior Farm Share

The Senior Farm share program offers up to $10 per market, per week, for seniors who qualify for the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition program (described above).  The funds can be used to purchase fruits, vegetables, honey, and plant starts. This program is currently funded through a partnership with United Way of Pierce County and CHI Franciscan Health.


Although many other Farmers Markets in Pierce County offer these benefits as well, currently there isn’t an online resource that lists them. However, shoppers can check at  Market info booths for benefit availability.

Gig Harbor Waterfront
Thursdays 1pm-7pm
June 7 – August 30

Tuesdays, 10-3
June 5-September 11

Fridays, 3-7
June 8-September 7

Saturdays, 9-2
March 24-December 15

Saturdays, 9-2
April 21-October 13

Wednesdays, 3-7
June 20-August 29

Tacoma Farmer’s Markets

Thursdays, 10-3
May 3-August 30
Thursday 10-2
September 6-October 25

Wednesdays, 3-7
June 5-August 28

Tacoma General Rose Garden
Fridays, 11-2
August 3-September 31

Point Ruston
Sundays, 10-3
June 3-September 30

GTCF supports basic needs, like access to food, through donor contributions, fundholders, and partner agencies. If you’d like to learn about more ways you can help, reach out to GTCF’s donor services to find out how individual philanthropy can make a difference for the causes that matter to you.