Month: December 2019
Warm Greetings, 3 Breaths, And A Constitution Help Students Thrive

When the bell rang on a recent Tuesday afternoon at Jennie Reed Elementary School, the halls were filled with students in neat, single-file lines. Each line moved in a different direction depending on where the students went after school. A handful of these lines converged on the cafeteria where students gathered for Jaguar Jump, Reed’s > Continue Reading
Move Beyond the Overhead Myth To Giving For Impact

The end of the calendar year is a time when charitable giving is in the spotlight. Just as there are myths associated with many year-end cultural celebrations, there are also myths associated with philanthropy. Some ideas about charitable giving are rooted in well-meaning, but incorrect assumptions about nonprofits. Other myths are holdovers from outdated approaches > Continue Reading
Partnering for Life-Centered Planning – Bev Cox, Certified Financial Planner

Over the past 38 years, Greater Tacoma Community Foundation has seen Pierce County grow and change, but what has remained constant is the passion people bring to building a thriving community. Sharing community knowledge and stories about our lived experiences builds everyone’s ability to make a positive impact. In our latest annual book of Pierce > Continue Reading
2020 Census Outreach Depends On Community Connections

For the past year, Chris Jordan and his team at Fab-5 have been inviting youth, neighbors, and elders of the Tacoma Hilltop community to shape the development of new affordable housing units, and new community, commercial, and retail space along the Martin Luther King, Jr. Way corridor. Chris Jordan is co-Director of Fab-5, a nonprofit > Continue Reading