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When did you start working with Greater Tacoma Community Foundation (GTCF)?

June 2024

Briefly describe what you do in your role with GTCF

I will be serving that on Ambassador Committee, providing insight into relevant concerns and opportunities for GTCF to engage in the broader Pierce County community.

What is the most exciting part of your role with GTCF?

I am excited to learn from staff and community members in how they approach meaningful and strategic engagement. I am also excited to share unique insights about K-12 education and the unincorporated Pierce County, where I have been engaged for the past 15 years.

What other jobs or positions have you held?

ALF Class XXVI, FPYF Board of Directors, Bryant Neighborhood Center Launch/Advisory Team,

Outside of GTCF, what enjoyable activity do you engage in? What brings you joy?

My family (partner and two boys (7 and 9)), time with friends, tasty eats around Tacoma, cycling, kayaking, home improvements and parks.

What activity, place, or event do you recommend other people check out in Pierce County?

My perfect day in Pierce County would be enjoying a neighborhood park (like Pt. Defiance, Wapato Hills, Franklin or Sunset Terrace) with my kids followed by a bike ride to Steilacoom or Gig Harbor with water and mountain views and a meal/drinks on the town with friends!

What is the most inspiring book that you have read and why?

Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston-I have never read a book that makes me think more about the ways that we are shaped by our past and our social context, while also going through our own laboratory process to write a new story. I think of this book often as I attempt to understand my surroundings.